Payroll Elections Import Template to Use in the Payroll Import Feature

ConnectedPay Administrator Guide

Payroll Elections Import Template to Use in the Payroll Import Feature

Important: This format can only be used for imports in Payroll Import > Overview in the Payroll Import feature. It can’t be used to directly update employee elections in the People feature in the Payroll > Payroll Elections screen.

The following table contains the columns required in a .csv file to import employee payroll elections in the Payroll Import feature. The table also includes a description of the column and details about the format requirements, if any. Using the information contained in this table, you can construct the simplified template for the payroll elections import:

Column headings in the CSV file used to import payroll elections
Column Description
Employee Name Employee Name or Employee Number is required. If you include both, the employee number takes precedence.
Employee Number Employee Name or Employee Number is required. If you include both, the employee number takes precedence.
Type Valid values are Earning or Deduction. This field is case sensitive.
Code An entry in the Code column must be the Code (XrefCode) or the Name of the earning or deduction, but you must use one or the other consistently for both earning and deduction code types.
*Start Date The start date uses the format YYYY-MM-DD.
End Date The end date uses the format YYYY-MM-DD.
*Schedule Code An entry in the Schedule Code column can be either the Code or the Name. If you don’t supply this, Dayforce uses the code in the earning or deduction code definition by default.
Payee Code An entry in the Payee Code column can be either the XrefCode or Name.
Election Value This can be either a decimal or percentage value. If the value you enter is a percentage, include the % sign after the value (for example, 50%). The maximum decimal value is 9999999999999.99999
Expression Param Value The format for entries in this column is: "ExpressionCodeName1:ExpressionValue1, ExpressionCodeName2:ExpressionValue2,…, ExpressionCodeNameN:ExpressionValueN". The maximum value is 9999999999999.99999. The ExpressionCodeName is the expression parameter code name for the election.
Limit Param Value The format for entries in this column is: "AccumTypeXrefCode1:LimitValue1, AccumTypeXrefCode2: LimitValue2,…, AccumTypeXrefCodeN: LimitValueN". If you are entering a percentage value, include the % after the value. For example AccumTypeXrefCode1:50% (CodeName or XrefCode in the database table PREarnDeductAccumType) Max Value is 9999999999999.99999. The AccumTypeXrefCode is the cross-reference to the accumulation type code of the limit. This field is used to identify which limit is being imported. If an earning or deduction has more than one limit, Dayforce uses the accumulation type to identify the limit being imported.
Payee Param Value The format for entries in this column is "PayeeParameterXrefCode1: PayeeValue1, PayeeParameterXrefCode 2: PayeeValue2,…, PayeeParameterXrefCode N: PayeeValueN". The maximum value is 9999999999999.99999. The PayeeParameterXrefCode is the cross-reference to the payee parameter.

Create the template by adding each of the following columns in a spreadsheet program, for example Microsoft Excel, then save it as a .csv file.

When you have created the template file, you can use it to create .csv files that you can import in Payroll Import > Overview.

For more information about this task, see Import Payroll Elections in the Payroll Import Feature in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.