Your Previously Viewed Opportunities

Career Explorer Guide

Your Previously Viewed Opportunities

When you click Like or Dislike for an opportunity in Career Explorer, that opportunity is saved to your Previously viewed opportunities list so you can return to it later.

From the Career Explorer home page, you can access your list of opportunities by clicking the Previously viewed opportunities option. When the list opens, you're shown your viewed opportunities in the following tabs:

  • All: Shows all opportunities that you've viewed, including those that you liked, disliked, or created a plan for.
  • Liked: Shows all opportunities that you liked.
  • Disliked: Shows all opportunities that you disliked.

For each opportunity, you can see a count of how many of the required skills you currently have, and the date that you liked or disliked the opportunity, if applicable. You can also take several actions from this list, such as liking or disliking opportunities, creating new career plans, and viewing existing career plans.

Actions for previously viewed opportunities

Action Method
Like or dislike an opportunity Click the action icon () for the opportunity, and then select the Like or Dislike option. If you've previously liked or disliked an opportunity, only the opposite option is shown. For example, when you click the action icon for a liked opportunity, only the dislike option is shown.

See details for an opportunity

Click the opportunity name to view the full details, Click See full details to see more information about the opportunity, which might include:

  • A description of the role.
  • A recommended career plan with the skills that you’ll need to develop for the opportunity.
  • A list of skills that you already have for the opportunity.
  • Community insights for the opportunity. This might include the names of potential hiring managers and peers, and the average tenure for employees in the role. Depending on configuration, you might also see pay grade and salary range information.

You can click any of the skills listed in the opportunity details to view additional information, which might include the following:

  • A description of the skill.
  • Community insights for the skill. This might include the names of other employees who have the skill or are working on the skill, the average proficiency level for the skill, how many activities have been completed for the skill, and other roles in the organization that require the skill.
  • For skills that you already have, your skill summary with your current proficiency level. If needed, you can update your proficiency level from this page by clicking Edit, selecting a new proficiency level, and then clicking Save.
  • For skills that you don’t have yet, the Add skill button. You can add the skill to your profile by clicking this button, adding a proficiency level, and then clicking Add skill. After adding the skill, the Add skill button is replaced with your skill summary.
  • For skills that you’ve worked on, your skill history. This section might list any career plans, activities, or proficiency changes for the skill.

For more information about community insights, see Your Community Insights.

Build a career plan

If you want to create a career plan for an opportunity, click the Build plan button, or click the action icon and select the Build plan option. See Build Plans for Career Opportunities.

Note: The Build plan button isn’t available for opportunities that you've disliked, however, you can still access the Build plan option in the action menu.

See an existing career plan If you've already created a career plan for an opportunity, click the View plan button to see the plan details.