Update Your Skills List in Career Explorer

Career Explorer Guide

Update Your Skills List in Career Explorer

From the Career Explorer home page, you can add and update your list of skills to ensure that your career recommendations are always up to date.

Note: Updates made to your skills list in Career Explorer are also reflected in the Skills section of your Dayforce career profile (in Profile> Career > Overview).

To update your skills in Career Explorer:

  1. Go to Careers > Career Explorer.
  2. In the Preferences section, click the Update your skills card.
  3. Do the following, as needed:
    Actions for skills

    Add a new skill

    Click Add a skill, search for a skill, and then click Add skill. Select your current proficiency level and click Add skill.

    Note: You can use the Filter by occupation field to help narrow the results while searching for a skill. Many of the available skills include an Also known as section with alternate names for the skill. These alternate names can help to improve the search results and allow you to find skills even if you don’t know the exact name in the skills list.

    Update a skillClick the edit icon, update your proficiency level, and then click Save.

    Remove a skill

    Click the edit icon, and then click Remove skill.

    Note: You can't remove skills that are associated with completed activities in a career development plan.