Get Started with Career Explorer

Career Explorer Guide

Get Started with Career Explorer

When you open Career Explorer for the first time, you're prompted to confirm your career profile and add your existing skills and proficiency levels. Making sure that your profile and skills are correct helps Career Explorer find opportunities that are right for you. You’re also prompted to set your preferences for sharing your career activity with your peer community.

Before You Begin: It's recommended that you review and update the information in your career profile before accessing Career Explorer. See View and Update Your Career Profile in the Getting Started with Dayforce guide.

To get started with Career Explorer:

  1. Go to Careers > Career Explorer and click Start.
  2. In the What kind of work do you do? drop-down list, select your current occupation, if not already populated.
  3. Confirm that the details from your career profile are correct, and then click Continue. If needed, you can click the Dayforce Profile link to update your information from the Profile feature.
  4. (Optional) Take one or more of the following actions to update your skills list, and then click Continue.
  5. Actions for skills
    Action Description

    Add a new skill

    Click Add a skill, search for a skill, and then click Add skill. Select your current proficiency level and click Add skill.

    Note: You can use the Filter by occupation field to help narrow the results while searching for a skill. Many of the available skills include an Also known as section with alternate names for the skill. These alternate names can help to improve the search results and allow you to find skills even if you don’t know the exact name in the skills list.

    Update a skill Click the edit icon, update your proficiency level, and then click Save.

    Remove a skill

    Click the edit icon, and then click Remove skill.

  6. Set your preferences for sharing information with your peer community, and then click Continue. For more information, see Your Peer Community Sharing Preferences.
  7. Select an option to specify the types of opportunities that you'd like to explore. Depending on your selection, one of the following occurs:
    • For Advancement opportunities or Career change opportunities, Career Explorer suggests career opportunities that you can save for later or create a development plan for right away. See Explore Career Opportunities.
    • Note: The suggested opportunities don't reflect current job openings in the organization. These opportunities are possible positions only, which might not have a current job posting.
    • For Skill building opportunities, Career Explorer shows you a list of your current skills and new skills that you can create a development plan for. See Build Plans to Develop Your Skills.
  8. If you're not ready to explore opportunities or create a development plan, you can click Skip to go to the Career Explorer home page.