Use the Default Template to Add Your First Hub

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Use the Default Template to Add Your First Hub

First time Hub users can create a draft default hub with the click of a button. This option automates several configuration steps for you because it includes a default hub assignment, and the following productivity widgets: Favorites, Balances, Earnings, Pending Actions, and My Team.

Important: With the default template, Dayforce adds a default hub assignment so any role given access to the Hub feature will see the new hub once published. If you have at least one hub, you can select the default hub template in the Add Home Page configuration screen to create additional hubs, but Dayforce doesn’t create a hub assignment or add a default audience. You must create a hub assignment for the hub.

When you open Hub Designer, a welcome message gives you the option to use the default template or start with a blank hub:

Default template button in welcome dialog box.

If you click the default template button, Dayforce creates the default hub and automatically assigns it to the default audience, which includes anyone who has access to a Dayforce instance, and has Experience Hub enabled for their role. Depending on the widgets and the type of information that is visible in your hub, consider if terminated employee roles or any other unique roles should have access to this hub or to a different hub. You can proceed to add or remove widgets as desired, preview, test, and then publish the hub when you are ready.

Important: Have mobile users? Your role should be configured with access to Mobile > Hub (in the Features tab in System Admin > Roles) so you can preview widgets as they are shown in mobile Hub, to ensure that they provide the desired employee experience.

After you click the Use the default template button to use the default template for your first hub, the welcome dialog and the Use the default template button are no longer available, even if you delete all of your hubs.