Summary of Post Actions

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Summary of Post Actions

You can do the following actions to posts in the Content Library depending on the status of the post:

Note: Dayforce shows confirmation dialog messages describing the consequences of your action.

  • Edit: For draft and scheduled posts, you can edit everything. For live posts, you can edit everything except for the start date, time, and language. Dayforce shows a confirmation dialog saying that changing text, the schedule, or selected widgets immediately updates the live widget. Also, if you update the language, the post’s assigned widgets are removed and replaced with published widgets for the updated language.
  • Duplicate: Appends copy to the title. Everything is copied except for the schedule. Widget assignments aren’t copied if the widget or the hub page no longer exists, or is unpublished. If you update the language, the post’s assigned widgets are removed.
  • Expire: Expire status is only applied to live posts. The post end date is updated to the current date and time and is immediately removed from hub pages. Expired posts immediately stop showing to employees on Hub. A post also expires on its own when it reaches its end date and time.
  • Delete: The post is permanently removed from the Content Library. Permanently deleted posts are purged from Dayforce immediately and the action can’t be undone. Deleted posts are removed from any widgets that they were scheduled to show on.
  • View: You can only view expired posts and all fields are read-only. If you try to drop an image in the Supporting Media field Dayforce shows an error validation message. You can duplicate the post.
Status and actions
Status Action Menu Options

edit, duplicate, expire


edit, duplicate, delete


edit, duplicate, delete


view, duplicate, delete