Scheduled Content

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Scheduled Content

The Scheduled Content widget is available for Advanced Experience Hub customers. This feature lets you schedule communication for employees.

This feature includes both a widget and a way to create and add posts to hub pages without needing to republish the page each time the content changes. It offers various benefits, including the ability to:

  • Schedule content.
  • Manage content across multiple hubs.
  • Re-use content over time.
  • Quickly set up content using a standardized template.

Currently, each widget can accommodate one post at a time. There’s no limit to the number of Scheduled Content widgets that you can include on a hub or subpage.

To schedule and manage content posts:

  1. Create the Scheduled Content widget.
  2. Publish the hub page containing the Scheduled Content widget.
  3. Create and schedule your post.
  4. Preview your posts by date.
  5. Manage posts in the Content Library.