Post Configuration in the Content Library

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Post Configuration in the Content Library

Before You Begin: The hub page containing the target Scheduled Content widget must be published before you can assign posts to it in the Content Library. If the target Scheduled Content widget has no posts, it doesn’t show in Hub when you publish the page.

In the Content Library, there’s a +Create New button that opens the Create New post template where you:

  • Add content including an optional image or video.
  • Select the time zone. Also enter the date and time for the time period that you want your post to show.
  • Specify where to show your post by selecting the relevant pages and Scheduled Content widgets in the hierarchy tree.

Specify the following options to configure a post:

Post Configuration
Heading Name Description
Create post    

(Required) Select the language for your post. If you edit or duplicate a post and update the language, the post’s assigned widgets are removed and replaced with published widgets for the updated language. Dayforce shows a confirmation dialog before updating the language.

  • (Required) Enter a title up to 140 characters long.
  •   Supporting Media

    (Optional) Add one image (2 MB maximum) or one video (315 MB maximum). You can drag and drop an image from your local drive or browse for one in the Media Library. The recommended size is 16:9 fixed aspect ratio but Dayforce works with any aspect ratio without cropping or changing the uploaded size. For videos you must browse for a file in the Media Library.

    • When you click the image or video button Dayforce opens the Media Library where you can upload new media, search or select existing media, and use the cropping tool if needed. If the post already has an image or video, you can replace it.
    • (Optional) Enter an alternative description for people who us assistive technologies. This field only shows after you select an image or a video.
    • When you drag and drop images, they are saved to the Media Library in a Content Library Uploads folder. The folder is automatically created with the first image that you drag and drop.

    (Optional) Add a brief description that appears as the body of the post. You can add external links or links to Media Library files. You can also add emails using a mailto link.

    Note: When you copy and paste, all formatting is removed.

    Schedule post  

    Specify date ranges and times for your post.

    The start date or time can’t be in the past.

    Make sure that post dates don't overlap since there’s no validation for overlapping dates, instead Dayforce shows the post with the earliest start date up until its end date before showing the next post with the earliest start date. Also, the second post shows a live status in the Content Library but shows as scheduled in Hub Designer since only one post can be live at one time.


    (Required) The time zone that you select determines when the widget shows on Hub.

      Start date and time (Required) Enter a start date and time for the post. The drop-down list shows a 12 or 24-hour time format based on the employees’ settings.
      End date and time (Optional) Enter an end date and time for the post. The drop-down list shows a 12 or 24-hour time format based on the employees’ settings.
    Display on Scheduled Content widgets  

    Specify where to show your post by selecting relevant pages or widgets in the hierarchy tree. The hierarchy tree only lists pages with published scheduled content widgets.

    If you’re editing or duplicating a post, the following rules apply:

    • If a page was moved, the new hierarchy is included in the selected widget assignments for the copied page. The updated tree is shown based on any removed or moved widgets or pages.
    • When you duplicate a post, the assigned widgets from the original post have a checkmark. Widget assignments are copied over unless the widget or the hub page no longer exists, or is unpublished.

    Click Save as Draft or Schedule. The new post is added to the Content Library.