Onboarding - Manager Summary

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Onboarding - Manager Summary

The Onboarding - Manager Summary widget lists up to 20 employees who are in their active onboarding period.

Role feature access: Onboarding > Onboarding Employees

Note: Employees with the most past due tasks are listed first, then those whose managers have the most past-due tasks. When employees or their managers have the same number of tasks due, employees are then sorted by those with the most tasks remaining, and then alphabetically.

Onboarding - Manager Summary widget information
Information Location Additional Details
View in Onboarding Upper right Click to go to Onboarding to see the full list of onboarding employees and access more details about them.
Progress bar Top The number of new employees who need to complete their onboarding, out of the total number of new employees. This progress bar is shown if there are fewer than 20 onboarding employees, which is the maximum number of employees shown in this widget. If there are more, you can go to Onboarding to see details.
Onboarding employees list Bottom A list of employees in their active onboarding period. Click Show More to expand the list. Click View in Onboarding to see more details.