Hub Home Page Greeting

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Hub Home Page Greeting

You can configure a greeting or use the default greeting that Dayforce displays on the Hub landing page. When you add a new home page in Hub Designer, or edit an existing one, the Greeting field displays the default token greeting, which consists of “Hello” followed by the employee’s first name: “Hello, {{EMPLOYEE_FIRST_NAME}}”.

Greeting field in Add Home Page dialog box.

Note: The greeting doesn’t display on subpages, so the Hub menu and content is displayed a bit higher on those pages.

You can change the default greeting by clicking Insert Token and adding one or more of the options from the list, each of which has a corresponding token, as described in this table:

Token options
Option Token

If a configured token is blank in the related field in People for the employee, the following rules apply:

  • Common Name defaults to First Name.
  • Preferred Last Name defaults to Last Name.
  • If the fields in People for the tokens Title, First Name, or Last Name, are blank, Dayforce displays a blank token in the greeting.

You also can remove the existing greeting (including the token) and replace it with any text you want to display as your greeting and use any available tokens you like. Tokens are optional, so you can craft a greeting that doesn’t include any tokens.

If you choose to enter customized text, the character limit is 100. The page must be published again for the new greeting to take effect.