Delete Scheduled Content Widgets

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Delete Scheduled Content Widgets

If you delete Scheduled Content widgets or unpublish pages with Scheduled Content widgets, Dayforce performs validation checks and shows confirmation dialog messages to ensure that you’re aware of the impact. The table below describes some scenarios:

Deleting scenarios
Description Result
Delete a Scheduled Content widget in Hub Designer when no posts are associated with it, or only has expired posts associated with it. The widget is removed from Hub Designer when you save your changes. After you publish the page the widget immediately disappears from Hub.
Delete a Scheduled Content widget, and the post is linked to additional widgets on other pages. The widget is deleted and removed from the Content Library but the post remains. This result applies to live, scheduled, draft, and expired posts.
Restore deleted pages containing a Scheduled Content widget with no posts.

The page must be published to show the Scheduled Content widget before you can assign posts to it in the Content Library.