Data Insights

Advanced Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Data Insights

The Data Insights widget is available for Advanced Experience Hub customers only. Hub administrators can configure key performance indicator (KPI) planning and Measures data cards for employees who use Measures or workforce management (WFM) planning KPI management tools in the Dayforce web application.

Important: Employees either need KPIs configured for their organization, role feature access to Reporting and Analytics > Measures in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles, or both. If an employee has access to Measures or to KPIs, the widget only shows the respective data. If the employee doesn’t have access to either data source, the widget won’t show. Administrators can configure the Data Insights widget for employees regardless of their access to Measures and KPI Planning data.

The widget in the screenshot shows both WFM planning and Measures data which includes the following:

  • Two data points (current value and change in value) for the turnover rate last month. The current value is 0.99%. The -23.85% change in value reflects the decrease since the previous period.
  • Daily sales
  • Retention rate last month
  • Average active headcount in the last quarter

Data Insights widget

Measure data cards include a Learn more button that takes you to the details screen in the Measures feature. KPI Planning cards show the last date that the data was updated.

For more information about Measures and viewing KPIs see Metrics and Measures and KPI View Settings in the Dashboards User Guide. For more information about formas see KPI Metadata Formula Library in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.