“Punch” Replaced with “Time Entry” or “Clock” in Activate

Activate Release Notes

“Punch” Replaced with “Time Entry” or “Clock” in Activate

Users should now see the new terminology updates that reflect the changes in Dayforce, replacing “Punch” with “Time Entry” or “Clock.” The Activate Dashboard's Recent Activity now uses TimeEntryPolicies instead of PunchPolicies when referencing completed wizards. References on the Testing Dashboard under Automated Test > Set up and Run Tests > Timesheet have been updated, changing “punches” to “clocks” and “punch” to “clock.”

Additionally, the Timesheet Work Package has been revised to replace “punch” with “clock” or “time entry.” When viewing the Activate Selections file for the Time Entry Policy Wizard, “PunchPolicy” has been replaced with “TimeEntryPolicy” in the file name, and all references to “punches” within the file have been changed to “clocks.” Updates have also been made to email alerts and work packages in the Configuration Generation Wizard and related templates.