Custom Quick Entry Payment Form

XML Forms Guide

Custom Quick Entry Payment Form

You can use the Quick Entry Payment Form to implement one or more workflows for one-time flat dollar amount payments in which quick entries are created in Payroll upon final approval. The configuration can be based on a single form that offers a selection list of specified earnings to choose from, separate forms per earning, or a mix of either case depending on your needs. The form supports both multiple payment requests for a single employee and payment requests for multiple employees in the same form submission.

The Quick Entry Payment system template is available in Workflow Administration > Form Builder. You can copy this template to create one or more customized versions of the form. The system template isn't intended for use in a workflow because it exposes all earnings, by default, based on the DataProvider and unfiltered settings. The purpose of the template is an initial base for ease of configuring a custom form. At a minimum, you should filter the Earning column to expose only the desired earning codes for selection.

If you want to filter a field, such as lblCheckTemplate, add a filter block in the GridColumn block of the field that you want to filter, as shown in the following code examples.

Before You Begin: In this code, you must define the pay entry amount based earnings available to users. Also, you must confirm which authorization key setting that you want to apply. See the description for authorization key in Control Database Access.

The following code example shows how to add a filter to the Earning column. The following code is for a single earning, such as Commission:


The following code example shows how to filter for multiple earnings, such as Gift, Severance, and Bonus:


The following code examples show how to add a filter to the CheckTemplate column. The following code is for a single check template, such as Bonus:


The following code example shows filtering for more than one check template, such as Commission and Severance:


The following code is for the AdjustPeriodStartDate field that you can optionally remove. This field corresponds to the FLSA Period Start column:

    <DisplayFormat>MMM dd/yyyy</DisplayFormat>

The following code is for the AdjustPeriodEndDate field that you can optionally remove. This field corresponds to the FLSA Period End column:

    <DisplayFormat>MMM dd/yyyy</DisplayFormat>

The following code is for the PPN field that you can optionally remove:
