Create Job Assignment and Location Controls

XML Forms Guide

Create Job Assignment and Location Controls

A job assignment and location control is a composite control that displays linked Location and Job Assignment selectors.

Sample of the Location and Job Assignment fields on a form.

You can create a job assignment and location control using the <PositionLocationSelectorV2> tag.

When the job assignment and location control is included on a form that also references fields defined on the job assignment, you can configure the form to auto-populate these values:

  • Pay Class
  • Pay Type
  • Pay Group
  • Weekly Hours
  • Average Daily Hours
  • Semi Monthly Top
  • Semi Monthly Bottom

To populate the included fields with the information associated with the selected job assignment, include the <AutoPopulatePositionFields> tag, with a value of True.


To remove location security from the Job Assignment and Location control, so that users can access locations to which they have not been assigned access, include the <SecureLocationByUser> tag, with a value of False.
