Create File Upload Controls

XML Forms Guide

Create File Upload Controls

You can add a file upload control by using the <UploadDownload> tag.

For example:


In the <DocMgmtTypeXRefCodes> tag, enter the cross-reference codes of the document types that you want to include in the file upload control. Document types are used by Dayforce to identify files that are attached to the form.

For more information, see "Document Types" in the Document Management Guide.

When you add the file upload control, the form displays the Upload Files button. When users click the button it opens the Upload Files dialog box.

Upload Files control configured with the LOA document type.

In the preceding example, the control is configured with the LOA document type only, and so all files are associated with the LOA document type, by default. Users can upload up to 20 MB to a form.

In the following example, the control is configured with two document types, so that users can select which document type the uploaded files are associated with:

Upload Files control configured with the EmployeeFile and LOA document types.

Note: When files are being uploaded, the application performs anti-virus scanning. If a file has an issue, the application displays an error message indicating the type of issue, and the file is rejected. If multiple files are being uploaded, the files without issues are uploaded.

Once files are uploaded and users close the Upload Files dialog box, the form displays a file upload grid. Files uploaded to a form respect the same application security as other information added to a form. Like other information, when users save a draft, files remain attached to the draft for later editing.