To configure a form:
- Go to Workflow Administration > Form Builder and click Add.
- In the Properties tab, enter a name and, optionally, a description of the form.
- In the Effective Start field, enter the earliest date that the form can be used. If the form expires, after which it cannot be used, enter the latest date that it can be used in the Effective End field.
- In the Reference Code field, enter a unique reference code to identify the form. This code must be unique and must not contain special characters. You can edit the code until a user submits the form.
- In the Mode drop-down list, select an option:
- Edit: The form process modifies existing data.
- New: The form process creates a new employee record.
- Read Only: The form process doesn't modify data.
- There are two checkboxes that are selected on some system forms, and aren't enabled on custom forms: IsTaxForm and IsComplexForm. When either of these checkboxes are selected, the XML and Preview tabs aren't enabled for the form.
- Select the IsEsignableForm checkbox if users can sign the form electronically.
- Select the Triggers HR Mapping checkbox if information recorded on the form triggers data mapping.
- Select the Allow Multiple Submissions checkbox to allow multiple instances of the form to be active in workflows for an employee at the same time. When the checkbox is cleared, users are prevented from submitting another copy of the same form for the same employee until the associated workflow is complete. For example, most tax forms don't allow you to submit multiple copies for an employee.
- Select the Can Bypass Data Gate checkbox and the forms included in the guided process will be processed, regardless of whether the payroll data gate is closed. When Dayforce is configured to use a payroll data gate, the employee information recorded on workflow forms isn't updated when a pay run for the employee's associated pay group is in the commit stage. See "Adjust Pay Group Dates" in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.
- In the XML tab, paste your configured form XML into the form section.
- (Optional) Click the Preview tab to preview the XML form.
- (Optional) Click the Advanced tab to configure the following additional form properties:
- The Target URI might be specified on tax forms or complex forms.
- The Target Control Name might be specified on tax forms or complex forms.
- The Process Upon Submission value might be specified for TAFW forms.
- The URL might be specified on tax forms or complex forms.
- The Business Layer Path might be specified on tax forms.
- The XmlFormType field is typically used in configuring custom forms for Recruiting. See "Custom Candidate Hire Forms" in the Recruiting Guide.
- Note: These fields are generally useful to developers and implementation consultants.
- Click Save.