The <EmployeePropertyGrid> tag can be used in XML forms. This tag allows you to manipulate employee properties in a form using a grid.
Not all properties are suitable for this grid. The properties should logically share effective dates.
To set up the employee property grid:
- Go to HR Admin > Employee Properties.
- Create employee properties and click Save.
- In Workflow Administration > Form Builder, click Add to create the employee form.
- Set up your employee properties form:
- In the Properties tab, fill out the fields.
- In the XML tab, add the form’s XML.
- Click Save. The XML looks as follows:
- Copy
<Title />
<Style />
<Style />
<ValidationTitle>Car Info</ValidationTitle>
<HeaderCaption>Year of purchase</HeaderCaption>
- In Workflow Administration > Role Privileges, assign the form to the feature and the role with direct save workflow:
- Click Add.
- Complete the Parent Feature, Form, and Workflow fields.
- Click in the Role field and select the roles.
- Click Save.
When the employee with the assigned role logs in and navigates to the assigned feature, the form name is available in the list of forms.