Add Employee Property Grids to XML Forms

XML Forms Guide

Add Employee Property Grids to XML Forms

The <EmployeePropertyGrid> tag can be used in XML forms. This tag allows you to manipulate employee properties in a form using a grid.

Not all properties are suitable for this grid. The properties should logically share effective dates.

To set up the employee property grid:

  1. Go to HR Admin > Employee Properties.
  2. Create employee properties and click Save.
  3. In Workflow Administration > Form Builder, click Add to create the employee form.
  4. Set up your employee properties form:
    1. In the Properties tab, fill out the fields.
    2. In the XML tab, add the form’s XML.
    3. Click Save. The XML looks as follows:
    4. Copy
          <Title />
          <Style />
            <Style />
            <ValidationTitle>Car Info</ValidationTitle>
              <HeaderCaption>Year of purchase</HeaderCaption>
  5. In Workflow Administration > Role Privileges, assign the form to the feature and the role with direct save workflow:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Complete the Parent Feature, Form, and Workflow fields.
    3. Click in the Role field and select the roles.
    4. Click Save.

When the employee with the assigned role logs in and navigates to the assigned feature, the form name is available in the list of forms.