Generally, the ConnectedPay configuration requires the setup of a time file to capture timesheet data such as Overtime hours, Night Premiums, and so forth. This information is required by the payroll partner for payroll processing.
In some cases, the ConnectedPay customer does not use the WFM feature for time tracking. In cases like this, you do not need to configure time files for ConnectedPay.
Configuration of the time file is done by setting up export options, and then setting up an export configuration for the pay group:
More information about configuring export options is available in the topic Configure Export Options.
When you are adding an export option to set up a time file for use in a ConnectedPay project, the following fields are required:
- Name
- Description
- Output Type
- Host
- Port
- Login
- Password
- Folder
- Generate CTC Header
- CTC Recipient ID
You must get the required information from the CDX team.
To configure an export option to use with an export configuration:
- Go To System Admin > Export Definitions.
- Click the Export Options tab.
- Fill out the required information.
- Click Save.
You can now associate the export option with the export configuration.
General information about configuring export configurations for a pay group is available in the topic The Export Configurations Tab
Before You Begin: Make sure that you have done the following:
- You have set up the export definition to assign to the export configuration.
- You have the export XML and export XSLT specification required for your payroll partner.
To configure an export configuration for a pay group:
- Go to Pay Setup > Pay Group.
- Click the Export Configurations tab.
- In the Advanced Export Option drop-down, select the export definition.
- Paste the XML and the XSLT in the Export XML and Export XSLT fields.
- Click Save.