Configure Pay Groups for ConnectedPay

ConnectedPay Feature Configuration

R62 SP2
Configure Pay Groups for ConnectedPay

Important: This topic covers only the essential configuration required for pay groups for use in a ConnectedPay project. Detailed information about all of the available configuration options for pay groups is covered in the section starting with the topic Pay Group Configuration

Pay groups for ConnectedPay projects have unique properties that differentiate them from pay groups for native payroll. Any pay group for ConnectedPay that you configure must use the settings that are described in this topic.

Pay groups are configured in Pay Setup > Pay Group in several of the available tabs.

Configuring pay groups for ConnectedPay

Before You Begin:

  • Ensure that the country that the ConnectedPay pay group that you are implementing is available in the Country drop-down list. If it is not available, you must run a script to add the country.
  • Determine whether the implementation of ConnectedPay uses Dayforce Link or API to export employee HR data and payroll elections to the payroll partner.

To configure a pay group for a ConnectedPay project:

  1. Go to Pay Setup > Pay Group, and click the Payroll Properties tab.
  2. In the Properties section in the Country list, select the country you are implementing the pay group for.
  3. In the Net Pay Setup section, select the Do Not Disburse Or Print Back to Office checkbox.
  4. In the Settings for ConnectedPay section, configure the options in the following table, and click Save:
Settings for ConnectedPay Fields
Field Description
ConnectedPay Enabled Enables ConnectedPay if the organization is already configured as an international ConnectedPay operation location and you want to allow payroll administrators to import future-dated pay data, using the Pay Run History Import file.
Allow Future Dated Import Payroll administrators and other authorized users can import data for future-dated pay runs. When this checkbox is cleared, the import fails if the file contains future-dated data.
Enable Email Alert for Import/Approve/Reject Payruns Sends email notification messages to specified recipients when an imported ConnectedPay pay run is approved, rejected, or under review. The email notification contains the client ID, client name, pay-group name, pay-group description, pay-group reference code, pay period, pay-period suffix, pay-period start and end dates, and pay date.
Email addresses for Import/Approve/Reject Payruns – Use a comma to separate each one Adds one or more email addresses—separated by commas—of recipients who you want to receive notification messages when an imported ConnectedPay pay run is approved, rejected, or under review.
Enable Alert for Payroll Lock/Unlock

(Optional) Sends notifications to your payroll partners when you lock or unlock your quick entries:

  • Email
  • Event
  • Email and Event

If you select one of these options, payroll partners will receive a notification indicating that the quick entries are ready to be accessed through an API call. Select No to prevent the sending of notifications.

Email Addresses for Payroll Lock/Unlock - Use a comma to separate each one Adds the email addresses of recipients to receive notifications when you lock or unlock quick entries.
Enable Email Alert for Document Manager Import Enables the sending of email notifications to recipients in the Email Addresses for Document Manager Import - Use a comma to separate each one field when documents in Document Management are queued, loaded, or failed.
Email Addresses for Document Manager Import - Use a comma to separate each one Adds the email addresses—separated by commas—that will receive notification messages when documents in Document Management are queued, loaded, or failed.
Payroll Key (System Admin users only) Adds string values to provide instructions to set specific field outputs in Dayforce Link exports. This field uses a structured string to set flags and provide instructions to set specific field outputs. For details about how you can configure this field, see the country-specific export output guide or the ICP technical output guide.
Offset Pay Period Days Offsets your pay period by the number of days and helps align your pay period more accurately so that your payroll provider can distinguish payroll periods and calculation periods and avoid misinterpreting pay data.
Including Saturday & Sunday pay dates

Enables you to select any day of the week, including the weekend, as a pay date for the selected pay group.

Display ICP Pay Slips As Of

(Optional) Sets a date when the payroll partner is supplying locally compliant earning statements. Starting on the selected date, the application suppresses the showing of HTML earning statements that Dayforce generates so that only the earning statements that payroll partners upload to Dayforce are available in Self-Service and in an employee's profile in People.

If you select a date, earning statements that payroll partners import in Document Management are available for pay runs with pay dates on or after the date that you specify in this field. By default, this field is empty, and if you leave it empty, Dayforce continues to show HTML earning statements.

Payroll Partner (Service roles only) Selects the payroll partner that processes the payroll of the pay group. This option is available only if you previously selected ConnectedPay Enabled.
Automatically Approve Off-Cycle Types

(Optional) Specifies a specific off-cycle type that does not require review in Dayforce and automatically marks it as approved after the Global Pay Run Import (GPRI) is loaded. You can choose one or both of the following options:

  • Adjustment
  • Advance