Configure HR and Employee Elections Exports for ConnectedPay

ConnectedPay Feature Configuration

R62 SP2
Configure HR and Employee Elections Exports for ConnectedPay

The ConnectedPay configuration requires the setup of information for employee HR records and employee payroll elections to be transmitted to the payroll partner. Information is transmitted using either Dayforce Link to export the HR records and payroll elections, or using the API for payroll partners to pull reports for HR records and payroll election files.

If you use Dayforce Link to export HR records and payroll elections, you must set up a schedule for the HR Export (Dayforce Link) background job.

This table describes the setup required depending on the interface technology being used.
Dayforce Link API
If the integration method for the country you are implementing is Dayforce Link, then the HR Data Export Configuration screen is required to be set up with specific configurations. This ensures that the HR files and payroll elections files are transmitted to the payroll partner. If the integration method for the country you are implementing is API, then the setup will be completed by setting up the reports.

Both interface integrations, Dayforce Link and API, require that you use the instructions provided in the technical guides for each country and payroll partner. You can locate these technical guides in the Knowledge Base.

If you are using Dayforce Link to export files for ConnectedPay, you must complete three main tasks in the following order:

Each of these is described in the following sections:

Set up a CDX Mailbox

If you are using Dayforce Link, you need to set up a CDX mailbox as part of the integration. This isn't necessary if you are using the API. To set up a CDX mailbox, contact your Technical Consultant.

Create HR Export and Employee Payroll Elections Export Configurations

If you are using Dayforce Link to export files for ConnectedPay, you must create configurations for the HR Export and for the Employee Payroll Elections. The recommended format for names for these configurations is:

  • <ISO> HR Export (Dayforce Link)—for example, MEX HR Export (Dayforce Link)
  • <ISO> Payroll Elections (Dayforce Link)—for example, MEX Payroll Elections (Dayforce Link)

To configure HR Export and Employee Payroll Elections Export Configurations:

  1. Go to Data Export Setup > HR Data Export.
  2. Click Add and enter a name and description for the HR Export configuration using the recommended format.
  3. Expand the entry and select or add the appropriate elements to each of the following (most of these fields have tooltips that describe their purpose; those that do not have some additional details here):
    • Employee Export Criteria
    • Employee Level Detail
    • Export Period*
    • Delta Option
    • Export All Employee Detail
    • Compress File
    • Receiver ID
    • Batch Size
    • Next Export Sequence Number
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the Payroll Elections configuration.

You can now use these export definitions with the HR Export (Dayforce Link) background job.

Schedule the HR Export (Dayforce Link) background job

Important: This task applies to the HR Export (Dayforce Link) background job, not to the HR Export background job.

Before You Begin: Make sure you have completed the steps in Create HR Export and Employee Payroll Elections Export Configurations.

To schedule the HR Export (Dayforce Link) background job:

  1. Go to System Admin > Background Jobs.
  2. In the Available Jobs tab, locate and select the HR Export (Dayforce Link) background job
  3. Click Schedule to open the Schedule HR Export (Dayforce Link) dialog.
  4. In the Job Parameters tab of the dialog, locate the Export Definition Included drop-down and select the HR Export and Payroll Elections configurations.
  5. Click Next and complete the Schedule and Confirmation tabs.
  6. Click Finish.