Maintain Biometric Templates

Clocks Guide

Maintain Biometric Templates

In addition to enrolling employees, you can also access the following maintenance functions in administrator mode:

  • Delete Employee Template: This button allows you to delete a template for a specific employee. When prompted, type the badge number of the employee whose template needs to be deleted.
  • Delete All Templates: If necessary, you can delete all of the templates from the database. For example, because the reader can only store 1,000 templates, you might use this functionality to clear it when it is full.
  • View Enrollment Statistics: This button allows you to view statistics about the organization’s biometric templates, such as how many employees are enrolled, how many templates exist, and the maximum number of templates that can be stored.
  • Download All Templates: This button allows you to download all of the templates from the server onto a reader. Typically, you would use this functionality when setting up a new reader. You can download a maximum of 1,000 templates onto the reader. If you try to download more than 1,000, you will receive an error message. You would also use this functionality if employee data changes or clock assignments change, for example.

Note: When the Clock+ attempts to authenticate a biometric template, it first uses the Clock+ biometric template, if one is available. If there is no Clock+ biometric template available, it uses the Web Clock biometric template. In addition, if a user creates a new biometric template on the Clock+, and there is already an existing Web Clock biometric template for that user, the application creates a second template using the Clock+ biometric template.