Edit Your Availability

Clocks Guide

Edit Your Availability

You can edit availability only for weeks that don’t fall within the blackout period. For example, with a two-week blackout period configured, you wouldn’t be able to edit your availability for the current week, nor for the next two weeks in the future.

Additionally, you can edit your default availability or you can select a period (that is, a week) to edit your availability for only that period. To do this, tap the Show button and select either Default or Period in the drop-down list.

To edit your availability:

  1. Using the date controls in the header, go to the week you want to edit.
  2. Tap Show and select either Default or Period, depending on your requirements.
  3. Tap the day you want to edit. The clock expands the record and shows the availability editor controls for the selected day:
  4. Availability screen with an expanded availability record for September 22.
  5. Select your availability for each day from the editor options:
    • To mark yourself as available, tap the available switch. The following screenshot shows the available switch when it is disabled, which indicates that the employee is unavailable:
    • Disabled available switch, which is grayed out with the circle icon positioned on the left.
    • To specify your availability ranges on days that you are available for part of the day, use the From and To controls. To add more than one range of availability (for example, if you're available from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and then again from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM), tap Add Item.
    • To copy your availability from another day, tap Copy From. In the drop-down menu, select either Previous Period or Default Period, depending on your requirements.
  6. Tap Save.