To assign employees to clock device groups using employee data mapping:
- Go to HR Admin > Employee Data Mapping Rules.
- In the sidebar, click the add icon. The rule is added to the bottom of the list so that it won't impact the rule sequence that you’ve already configured. You can use the move up and move down icons to change the rule’s order.
- In the General section, update the details as needed.
- In the Mapping Values section of the rule details, do the following:
- Click Add and select Clock Devices Group in the Mapping Object drop-down list.
- In the ShortName-XRefCode drop-down list, select the clock devices group that you want to assign to employees who are eligible for the rule.
- Click the arrow next to the rule in the sidebar to expand the qualifier under it and select the qualifier:
- In the Qualifiers section, add one or more qualifiers for the rule. For example, you could use qualifiers to assign different clock devices groups to employees based on the primary location that they are hired to. You can add qualifiers as follows:
- Click Add.
- Select an option in the Mapping Object drop-down list.
- Enter a value in the ShortName-XRefCode column.
- Click Save.