
Clocks Guide


In the Actions section, you configure how the clock responds to the survey. This involves selecting the questions you entered in the Content Builder section and configuring how the clock reacts to specific responses associated with the questions. For example, you can configure a “Did you wash your hands?” question with “Yes” and “No” responses. Next, you can configure the clock to reject clock entries if the employee selected the “No” response.

This section is optional. For example, you can create an informational survey by not configuring clock actions based on survey responses.

The section where you configure the survey’s questions, answers, and clock responses is similar to the Conditions tab in the Audience section. You configure a simple workflow using a hierarchy containing expressions:

Conditional expression that rejects a clock entry when a user answers No to a survey question.

When you click Add Action, Dayforce adds an action expression like the one shown in the screenshot above. For each action, you can configure one or more groupings of questions and responses. For each expression, you must select:

  • One of the questions you selected in the Content Builder section.
  • An operator (that is, equals or does not equal).
  • One of the responses associated with the question.

Lastly, each action needs to trigger a response on the clock. You customize the clock’s response in the Then section. Select one of the following options in the drop-down list:

  • Clear Fingerprint Templates
  • Clear Facial Templates
  • Reject Clock Entry
  • Exit Function
  • Important: The Exit Function action should be used only with the Biometric Enrollment Function and Photo Enrollment Function conditional values.

Much like the Content Builder section, you can configure simple or complex hierarchies of actions depending on your business requirements. You can nest questions and responses under a single grouping or add new groupings to configure alternative expressions that should trigger the same clock action.